Membership Information

As soon as you register for this service, we will send a welcome email to you with all of the instructions on the service and how to access it, including your personal user name and password.

You will need this user name and password to be able to use the service and arrange GP consultations.

Minimum Period of Membership

If you choose our monthly subscription plan, we have a minimum 3 months membership period, and you will be liable to pay for a minimum of 3 months membership. You may cancel your plan at any time after that. We reserve the right to seek three months of minimum payments from you using the card mandate that you created when you applied for this plan.

If you choose our Annual subscription plan, we have a minimum 12 months membership period, and you will be liable to pay for a minimum of 12 months membership. You may renew your plan at any time after that. There is no refund policy if you have selected the annual subscription and want to cancel after you have selected this plan within the 12-month subscription period.

If you have been granted access to our Access a GP online portal, you are able to manage all of your personal details, contact information, payments and subscriptions and security settings from the portal.

If you have lost access to the online portal or have never accessed the online portal, please send any query or request to us using the Contact form on our Contact us page.

Payment will be made by secure card payment. Monthly payments will then be taken each month by secure card payment on that same date each month. The payment date cannot be changed.

Payments are made monthly in advance. You can cancel your card payment before it is due, including the day that it is due, and you will have no more to pay. There is no refund or part refund if you cancel a payment after it is due.

Payments will appear on your bank account as “Access a GP”.

You can easily cancel your membership subscription using the MANAGE YOUR MEMBERSHIP button option in the Access a GP online portal. From there you can access your subscription and payment mandate and cancel the subscription. As soon as you cancel your membership all of your benefits will cease. If you are unable to access the Access a GP online portal, you can send us your cancellation request via our Contact us page in this website.

Access a GP reserves the right to cancel any membership subscription and benefits access in the event that the service has been used inappropriately by any subscriber.



This is not an emergency service.

If you have a serious medical emergency, call emergency services in your own country location immediately, for example 999 UK, 911 North America, 112 Europe.

You do not need to register for this service as it will automatically be granted to you as part of your accessing the Access a GP online portal.

You do not need to de-register for this service as the cover will automatically cease when your service terminates.

You do not need to de-register from your own domestic registered Doctor to be able to use this service.

Whilst calling from overseas your phone service provider may charge you for that call.

The Access a GP service is not a private health plan or health insurance, it will provide you with help and guidance over the phone or video call, in the same way that your local home-based Doctor will.

This is a phone and video call-based service only. There is no personal face-to-face option of help with this service.

Our doctors may need to ask sensitive medical questions as part of your telephone or video consultation. Please ensure you are in a quiet, confidential place at your chosen time, free from interruptions.

Access a GP’s Member’s Service does not guarantee that a video/chat/picture message consultation is the best course of accessing advice or indeed the appropriate course of treatment for your particular healthcare concern or medical issue.

Any abuse of this service or of any personnel involved in the process will result in immediate cancellation of your access to this service.

English is the primary language used in this service.

You may not share this access with anyone other than those family living within your household at the same address or family travelling with you on holiday.

The phone service is available 24 hours per day all year round.

The video service is available 8am to 10pm 7 days per week (UK GMT Time Zone), except English Bank Holidays.

We accept no direct or indirect liability for your inability to access this service due to any reasons including but not limited to lack of or failure of telephone, wifi or internet connectivity.

We accept no direct or indirect liability for any direct or indirect costs incurred by you in accessing this service, including but not limited to the cost of telephone rental, calling charges, wifi or internet access.

By accessing the service You agree fully to indemnify, defend and hold us, and our officers, directors, employees, agents and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of any breach of the Conditions by you or any other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website, or the use by any other person accessing the Website using your account and/or your Personal Information.

You will need to make sure that you are in an area where your network or internet connection is not likely to be interrupted. This is especially important if you intend to use your mobile telephone for your telephone or Skype video consultation.

Certain mobile devices only have a rear-facing camera and would need to be turned around for our doctors to view you during your video consultation. You should also bear in mind that some mobile telephones are not compatible with Skype. If you are unsure, you should check with your provider.